Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sticky&Sweet Tour Opening Night!

Madonna's latest show, The Sticky&Sweet Tour, opened tonight in Cardiff!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!! I am so incredibly excited for October 4th when I'll be watching the show with 3 of my favorite people in the entire world: Andrea, my sister; Ashley, my great friend here in NYC; and Aileen, my best friend from way back when in Nicaragua.

That's a ways away though! I need something to tide me over till then!!!!!

These helped ease my longing a bit.....
Look at the masks the guys are wearing! She's bringing some Girlie Show back!!!!!
Look at those gams!
I can't even handle it.

I've decided to start a little Sticky&Sweet October 4th countdown! Starting today there are 43 days left till I get to see Madge again. I'll post videos every now and then in celebration of the approaching date. Alright? Good? Good!

Here's the opening of The Girlie Show back in 1993 (I think). She's singing Erotica and her little S&M mask is definitely evident in her new tour. I love how she brings little things from her past back like that. It's a little racy so if anyone reading has a problem with a little nudity or some naughty Madonna then I wouldn't recommend watching it. But you are seriously missing out! Enjoy!



Friday, August 22, 2008

Karen Ziemba a Tony Award-winning actress who has been seen in countless Broadway musicals such as A Chorus Line, 42nd Street, Chicago, and Crazy For You. She won her Tony for Contact in 2000.

Anyway! She's at Chelsea right now rehearsing for something and she keeps fabulously sashaying past me. Here she is performing Sooner Or Later from Dick Tracy with the incomparable Bill Irwin. Enjoy!

Pretty great, right?

And has everyone seen this? It has magically reappeared online and I am quite thrilled about it. It's Leslie Uggams singing June Is Bustin' Out All Over from Carousel and unfortunately for her she forgets most of the lyrics. Make sure you read the subtitles later on in the clip. Hey, she sounds fantastic, though, even if she is messing up the words. I mean, I've messed up words in songs before but it was never live on TV in front of thousands of people! I probably woulda crapped my pants. She pulled it off stupendously.....

Did I mention in a past blog that I recently went to a Madonna Sing-a-long with my sister? Well, I finally saw some pictures that a photographer from the Boston Globe took of us dancing. They're absolutely ridiculous. Unfortunately, I have to buy the photos in order to post them up here so I'm gonna have to check the prices. Hopefully I'll have them up very soon!!!

Alright, bye for now :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Madonna!

Madonna is 50 today. Holy shit.

What can I say? She's amazing. Still going like there's no tomorrow.

In honor of Madonna and her fabulousness here's her performance of Bye Bye Baby from The Girlie Show. It's one of my favorites.

That ending? Ridiculous.

Happy Birthday Madge.....thanks for the good times!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Random hiatus

So sorry I've been gone so long. Sometimes you just gotta take a little break, you know?!

I've been in Boston visiting my sister but now I'm back in NYC with a fun little story to tell. I took a bunch of pics so I can't post that story just yet since I'm at work but I'll try to get it up here by tonight. I seem to have forgotten about plenty of other things I intended to post up here so how about I put up a little list just so I can remind myself if I need to! Here it goes.....

1. Little dancing man. I was gonna put up another video of him dancing his little heart out but I seem to have forgotten all about him. I think you'll all get quite a kick out of his moves so I'll be sure to put the other video up soon.

2. NYC moments. HA! Remember that one? Neither do I. But these moments keep happening so I'll be sure to put some up here soon.

3. My Washington visit! I still have a few more pics and stories. The trip deserves a denouement!

Well, I think that's about it for now. Right? If anyone can think of anything I might be missing please just post a comment or something.

And here's a little video I watched over my break in Boston. Thanks to Gaby (my sister's friend and ex-roommate) for showing me this! Whitney singing I Will Always Love You is definitely overkill, but come on now, how cute is this?

Love you all, bye!

By the way..... Denouement? Really Jonny? Wow.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Altar Boyz.....

.....was a BUST. That dance call was hard as hell!!! Watch this video. The part we learned starts around 1:53.....

Right around 2:13 we learned something a little different from what these boys do but I'm absolutely certain that what we learned was much harder!

I got cut. Ah well, life goes on.

I stayed after for a bit to ask the choreographer if he taught any classes. Unfortunately he doesn't but he recommended a few classes I could take at Steps. We'll see. He was really good so I'm sure the classes he takes are really hard.

After I left the dance call I told myself not to get bummed out by it but I just couldn't help it. I mean, I did what they always recommend in dance calls...even if you mess up (which I did repeatedly) just enjoy yourself and get through it! I got through it, but it sucks getting cut. Also, this production happens in my hometown!!! How cool would that have been?!

I went to a yoga class after the fiasco hoping that I would be able to get that disappointed feeling out of my system. Yoga just pissed me off even more! Ha.

On the upside, the Kennedy Center wants me to go back out on tour. I'm totally excited that they wanna hire me again but I just don't know if this is the best time. I mean, I've been going to lots more auditions and have really been trying to set up a solid foundation here in the city.....I kinda don't wanna give it up. Plus, there's so much great stuff coming up! My friend Aileen is visiting in September all the way from San Francisco! The Madonna concert! Paul's coming back soon enough! What to do? Tour would be fun, though. It even goes to Florida and the West Coast this time around.

We'll see.

Love you all. Bye!

By the way, I hope I'm not coming off too negative in these posts. I love the fact that I was at least called back to dance. I love my daily routine here in the city. I may bitch and moan a lot.....but I'm really kinda liking how things are going right now :) Sometimes you just gotta vent, you know?!