Can you believe I'm back so soon!!!!??? I can't!
Well, here I am. I simply must finish my recap. It goes a little something like this...
We're still in the comic book exhibition! One of the coolest displays they had was of one of the Batmobile's used in
Batman Begins and
The Dark Knight. It's actually called a Tumbler.

Here's a great drawing of Batman by a guy named Stuart Sayger...

Here's a picture of Batman he drew as a 6 year old. I like this one better...

I also found out that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles started out as a joke. A joke?! I LOVED them as a kid!!!

After the comics, Margo and Kevin hitched a ride to the Lego Castle exhibition...

The Lego Castle exhibition was a smelly disaster of runaway children, helpless parents, the occasional Lego, Kevin, Margo, and me. Margo almost immediately made a friend. Here's one of the runaways...

His parents came in soon after. The mama gave Margo the absolute worst look for fraternizing with her tot. Please...if Margo hadn't been there that kid coulda fallen off that damn throne. Kevin and I then took advantage of an amazing photo op. The Mathemagician and King Azaz...

Surrounding the entire exhibition were random costumes which had been donated by a local theater. Pretty cool, right?

Can you spot the ridiculousness in this pic? Bottom right...

We then came upon a little theater sort of thing where kids could don costumes and put on a play. This little girl was especially hilarious to me. She was fully wearing a horse...and FULLY in character...

Before heading to the final exhibition we braved the fun house. Madness ensued...

Here we are inside a kaleidoscope!

Our final stop was the African-American heritage exhibition. Boogidy-Boogidy Style Shop??? Really?

This was my favorite. You could sit at Sunday dinner with this family (which I'm pretty sure was made out of panty hose) and listen to Grandma (up there at the head of the table) giving a sermon. She kept yelling out, "When Jesus comes!"

Here's Grandma again reading a storybook to her Granddaughter. Personally, I think she looks like Freddy Krueger...

Ok, done with Indianapolis. Yay! NEXT!
Not much to say about Springfield (I don't even quite remember what state we were in) except for our night out at a dueling pianos bar. I got some nice pics of everyone...


Carolyn's bonkers...

As am I.


There was a hot guy who doubled as a drummer and emcee. He turned out to be kind of a douchebag, though. Don't they always? He was hitting on Carolyn, Margo, Lindsay, the girls sitting behind us, the homeless lady outside...everyone. And he played the drums blindfolded...oh buoy...

He asked me to come up later and serenade some random girl on her birthday along with some other guys. I happily agreed. See?

Carolyn got up later and sang a duet with one of the piano players. The girl playing the other piano was not so pleased. Especially when she discovered that Carolyn can actually sing. Here's Carolyn belting away...

And here's Mr. Drummer Man thinking, "Wow. She can sing. Hmm..."

The next day we all went mini-golfing but I only got one pic. It was a good time, though!

And that was that for Springfield!
Lincoln was actually a pretty good time! Last time I was there we were stuck out in the middle of nowhere for a week so it got old really fast. This time around Jeffery, Kevin, Lindsay, Eric and I decided to go out on a bar-hopping extravaganza! We started out at this great place called Barrymore's which is actually an old theater! If you looked up while you were at the bar you could see right up into the fly cool. While we were enjoying some drinks a Bachelorette party settled in at the table right next to us. Kevin almost immediately started to talk to them. One of them asked for him to unbuckle her belt with his teeth. I simply had to take a photo...

They then bought him a tequila shot. I call these next four photos the
Kevin+Tequila=Amazing series...

See? Amazing. And did you notice the penises on the girls lei? Wow.
We then headed to another bar called Q...I think. We almost immediately headed to the dance floor. Here's Lindsay and Frannie. She worked backstage at our show and was kind enough to show us around that night...


We happened to see the guy who had created this amazing
Phantom Tollbooth set up in the lobby of the theater we were performing at. Here he is bopping away...

Here I am dancing. Please observe the red pants. Oh yes. RED pants...

Here we are on our way out. If you can close up please take a look at everyone's face. Priceless...

It's a little late for this but I think it's a pretty great pic...

On our way to...somewhere...we made a quick detour to the world famous Wall Drug. Apparently they have signs for this damn place all the way in Kenya. I have no idea why.

They had everything there. Even a chapel...

And these. Yikes.

Rudy made a friend so it was all worth it...

Since we were so close by we all decided it would be worth it to stop at Mt. Rushmore. It was pretty amazing! On our way to Gillette, Wyoming we took a detour in Rapid City, SD and left our truck and one of our vans there. We all loaded up into Red and drove to Mt. Rushmore. Dave had bought us all a great lunch so our plan was to have ourselves a little picnic in from of the monument and we did exactly that! It was a wonderful afternoon with Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Lincoln.

Here I am!

And here we all are...

Mr. Glutzon Borglum, the sculptor...

That's all for now. More to come soon!
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