Saturday, March 13, 2010


It is absolutely soaking wet, monsoon-like, flood warning, ridiculous rain outside right now in NYC.  It started yesterday and apparently it's going to rain till Monday.  Wow.  This was the view from underneath my umbrella on my way home from work.  It hardly captures the madness that is going on outside.  I nearly got blown away to Jersey when I got off the train by my house.

I have to admit something, though.  I kinda like it when the city has to deal with something like this.  Something like a blizzard, or ridiculously heavy rainfall, or a steaming hot summer weekend.  These circumstances create a sense of community around the city that is oddly comforting.  Basically, we're all going through this together.  It's kinda nice.

That's all for now.  Talk soon!

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