First of all, I found myself a temporary sublet. It's right around where I had been staying before which is perfect. The room I am subletting is teeny tiny but definitely has a lot of potential to be very cute and cozy. It gets a lot of sunlight during the day and has a view of this gorgeous church. Surrounding the church, though, is a cemetery which I also have a view of. It kinda creeps me out but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
I have two new roommates, RJ and Arturo. RJ is from Amsterdam and also happens to be the captain of NYC's gay volleyball team. Arturo is from Mexico and speaks Spanish which is absolutely wonderful; I finally have someone I can practice with.
Along with the roommates, the apartment also comes equipped with two dogs and a cat. Bernard, the cat, is my favorite so far. He reminds me of my sister's old cat Gandy except not as crazy and really affectionate. No offense! Gandy was cute as all hell but that cat was nuts. Denim, RJ's dog, is ridiculously hyper and insanely adorable. Arturo's dogs name is JJ and he is a feisty little chihuahua who doesn't take any shit from Bernard or Denim. I saw them all wrestling when I first saw the apartment and his little growls definitely meant, "Lay off bitches."
Next topic! This past Easter I went home to visit my parents. I also got to see my friend Rachel who was staying at my house. Rachel played Mrs. Bucket (and a slew of other characters) in Willy Wonka with me. Here's a family photo of the two of us on the last day of the show in upstate New York.......

Those hats? Amazing. Anyway, I LOVE going home, it's almost therapeutic. The weight of the city is lifted off my shoulders and I can relax for awhile. My house sits right at the edge of a forest so it's incredibly peaceful and quiet. Also, you can actually see stars!!! I never ever see stars in New York. At home I can see everything......Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto the ex-planet, the Milky Way, you name it we got it. Random. Oooh! I got a really great surprise while I was at home. Paul had been rehearsing his show in York, PA which happened to be only two hours away. He had a day off so we worked out our schedules and I got another day off so I could bring Paul to my place to meet my parents. We took full advantage of the day off. My parents and I took Paul all over D.C. and showed him the sites. It happened to be an amazingly beautiful day and the famous D.C. cherry blossoms were just beginning to bloom. Here are some pics of the day starting with Paul in front of the White House.
Here's some pretty blossoms.....not cherry blossoms, but blossoms nonetheless!
This cop was not too pleased I was taking his pic. That look in his eyes? Yikes.
Paul takes a bite out of the Capitol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some more blossoms.......
Paul and the Monument. Basically the most touristy tourist photo EVER.
These are the real deal......I think. Cherry blossoms!
Here's the good old Kennedy Center which means a lot to me since it gave me my first professional acting gig.
See that fish? Two guys caught that out of the Potomac River. I tried to get a good pic of it up close but they threw it back in before I could get a decent shot. This is all I could get. It may look small but that is actually a HUGE fish.
Later on in the day I took Paul to one of my most favorite places in the world, the C&O Canal. It was getting late but I wanted to show him these amazing rapids that I always visit when I'm at home. This is right at the beginning of the walk......
Pretty, huh?
Reflection of the sky on the water. Not a bad shot, right?
Gooses? Geeses? Gii?
Nearing the rapids......finally......we were getting a bit tired.
The rapids!!!!!!!!
Here we are! Apparently Paul wasn't so pleased that I dragged him all the way out there........
But I let him take a little break as a treat ;)
The way back wasn't so fun. It was waaaaay dark. Too Blair Witch for both our tastes.
To top off the night in the best way possible, we went to Georgetown Cafe to meet my friend Matt from the Willy Wonka tour. This is him dancing with Rachel back in the Willy Wonka days.......
Matt taught me this amazing new photo trick called "motorboat". Basically, you just go 'pthbbbbbbbbbbbbb' with your mouth and have someone take a pic of you. I've had three motorboat victims so far.
Here's Saum. Just.....ridiculous.......grade A motorboating......
Here's my friend Evan. He looks so pained but he definitely delivered. Also, see that white thing in mid-air? Yup, that is most definitely spittle. And, yes, it got all over me.
This one, though, is just too much. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you..........Paul Flanagan........
I am the best boyfriend in the world for not having broken up with him on the spot. Hahahaha!!!! Just kidding babe.
I love you all. Peace out playa. Wow, I'm a dork.
MOTORBOAT! The photo sensation that is sweeping the nation! BEST! TRICK! EVER!
And excuse me - WHERE did that picture of me and Rachel come from? I'm DYING! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The motorboat!!!! was hysterical. Enjoyed it! Loved all the pictures, loved the one with Paul touching the Washington Monument and eating the Capitol.
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