I have so much to catch you all up on.
And before I get to it lemme just warn you that this may be the longest blog entry in the history of blog entries.
After our stop in Sarasota we headed to Orange Park. Unfortunately, I don't think I took a single photo there. If I did, I deleted them. I kinda can't remember what we did there either. I vaguely remember a lunch stop at Panera, maybe a show or two, another lunch at Applebee's (where I forgot my damn leftovers), and a fun time at a gym where I got a bit of a burn after I used a tanning booth for too long.....oops. OH! I definitely DO remember lounging by the hotel pool when all of a sudden I looked to my right and saw a big, black snake slithering in the bushes. Not fun.
We decorated the van (M'Dick) for Halloween on our way to Orange Park or Melbourne, I can't quite remember which. Yeah, we're festive like that. Hopefully we can keep the tradition up.
Margo and Carolyn hang up our BOO! garland.....
Anyway! So I was very excited to get to Melbourne because we were staying at a beachfront Hilton! AND I was lucky enough to land a single room for the whole time.
The day we arrived in Melbourne was absolutely beautiful. The sun was out, it was hot, just perfect! After dropping my bags off in my fabulous room I headed down to the beach and was soon joined by most of the cast and crew. After spending a few hours at the beach getting our asses beat by the waves we all decided to go to a restaurant down the street called Lou's Blues.
This is us on our way to the restaurant. I love a good strut photo. Margo was into it. Carolyn? Well.....hmm.....not so much.....
While waiting for our food I decided to start taking a few glamour shots. I think I caught Kevin off guard.....
After the meal it was time for another photo shoot, this time involving my ridiculous sun glasses.
Carolyn was into it this time :)
After dinner we all headed back to the hotel for a little dip in the hot tub. Unfortunately, we were welcomed back to the hotel by a HUGE group of kids running and screaming through the pool area. They were there on some soccer tournament. Now, I love kids.....I wouldn't be doing a kids show for 7 months if I didn't. But screaming, rowdy, running, annoying kids? Well.....let's just say I could definitely do without them.
Luckily, we were able to kick them out of the hot tub after awhile. After soaking in the tub for a bit, Carolyn, Eric and I decided to take a walk on the beach. At first, it was a good choice. It was warm and there was enough moonlight to see well.
When we got near the hotel Carolyn realized that she didn't have her phone with her. Oh shit. Since Eric and I are nice boys we decided to go back to where we had gone swimming and look for the phone. So off we went. I kept calling the phone and looking for a flashing light but unfortunately nothing was found. While searching for the phone I accidentally stubbed my toes HARD on a large piece of rock on the beach. Now lemme tell you.....it HURT. It felt like I had knocked one of my toe nails clean off. Fortunately, when we got back to hotel and I was able to take a good look at my toes all nails were still attached. Carolyn, Eric and I then called it a night. We were pretty spent.
That morning, I woke up at around 4am and my toes were absolutely throbbing. I had to get up and get some ice and everything. Not good. I was a little nervous about having to perform with my busted toes but fortunately we had two days off. Plenty of time to heal!
The next day most of the cast and crew went into downtown Melbourne for some lunch and a little exploring. We had some delicious pasta at some random place where we almost drove the bartender out of her damn mind. For some reason we all decided to sit at the bar and have the bartender serve us. She seemed quite exasperated but imagine enjoying a slow afternoon at work when all of a sudden a group of about 10 crazy hungry theater people walk in looking for lunch and plop themselves right in front of you. I might have had a conniption fit. She was damn near close to one. In my opinion, she did a great job. OH! And here's a little side pic for all of you before we move on.....
So, after lunch we all headed out for a little walk. Most of the stores were closed but it was at least nice to walk around a bit. I found this in one of the closed shop windows!
We then headed over to a place called Manatee Bay in search of, yes, a manatee or two. Unfortunately, there were no manatee's anywhere. There were mounds and mounds of catfish, though. A little boy was feeding them bits of bread and they were going absolutely bonkers.....
After our adventures in downtown Melbourne we all headed back to the hotel. Once back, I went down to the beach for a little afternoon swim with Eric and Rudy. The sun was slowly being engulfed by some enormous clouds so the swim was very brief. Damn clouds.
That night a few of us went to a restaurant close by and unfortunately got caught in a smaller but equally as wet storm. This is Carolyn before we headed for the restaurant (please note the Eagles shirt, hoodie, and cap. Wow.).....
The next day I woke up really early for some random reason. Since I was up I decided to take an early morning walk on the beach.
That afternoon, Margo, Carolyn, Kevin and I decided to go to the Kennedy Space Center Astronaut Hall Of Fame since it was getting kinda cloudy.
Here's an austronaut featured in the random video they showed in the screening room.....
Here's an old space suit. I thought the flash of the camera made it look kinda cool and all sci-fi.....
I'm a little ashamed to admit that one of the main reasons I decided to come along to the Hall Of Fame was because they have a G Force ride!!!
After the Hall Of Fame we decided to go across the street to some sort of Police Hall Of Fame where they have a firing range. Now, I'm not a big supporter of guns. They kinda freak me out. But I thougt to myself, when the hell else am I gonna get to shoot a gun? Why not?! So, off we went. Unfortunately, the shooting range was closed on that very day. Of course it was. We then asked if we could possibly take a helicopter ride as advertised on the ENORMOUS sign outside. Nope. The helicopter rides had been cancelled awhile ago. Maybe they shoulda taken the sign down?
Side note: The guy working at the Police Hall Of Fame was wearing an Obama pin. Really? At a shooting range equipped Police Hall Of Fame?! I love it!!!
Anyway, we were entertained in the police gift shop anyway. Please take a close look at the shirt Carolyn is holding up.....
Here we are expressing our disapproval of this ridiculous sign.....
That night, to cheer ourselves up we decided to go to an all natural organic restaurant near our hotel. It definitely did the trick. We were the only people there so we could be as rowdy as we wanted. Here we are plus Lindsay who decided to come along.....
The next day we had two great shows at the King Center.
After the shows some of us decided to get some laundry done. Once at the laundromat I realized that the shirt I was wearing was kinda dirty. The little trashy bit of me then came out, took the shirt off my back, and tossed it into the wash. Hey, why wear a shirt at a public laundromat??! Who does that anymore?!
After laundry we ventured to Texas Roadhouse which is kinda like Outback except that it has nothing to with Australia. I got this nice pic of the full moon while waiting to be seated.....
After Roadhouse, some of us were still willing to hit the town. So, Carolyn, Brian, Eric, Rudy and I went to a pool hall nearby. Now, I'm terrible at pool but I might as well use any chance I can to get better! Here's Brian (the only one out of all of us who actually kinda knows what he's doing).....
When we got back to the hotel I decided to take a final night stroll on the beach since we would be leaving the next morning :(
The next morning I woke up pretty early and got some great shots of the sunrise.....
And that's it for this blog entry! AAAAAAAAH!!!!!! THANK GOD! That took forever. My goodness.
Bye for now.....love you all.
you're silly!
I miss you!
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